Orders are typically processed within 1 business day and in some cases will ship out the same day. (Monday through Friday-Excluding Major Holidays). We offer FREE Standard Ground Shipping on orders over $75.00!
Orders are shipped via Standard Ground Transit with FedEx, UPS or US Postal Service.
Transit Times
Transit Times are typically 3-5 business days to the continental United States. We currently do not ship to Alaska or Hawaii.
Expedited Shipping Options
Sorry, but we currently do not offer Expedited Shipping Options such as Next Day Air, Second Day Air or 3 Day Guaranteed. Please keep in mind that Standard Ground Shipping typically arrives within 5 business days and in most cases 3 business days.
Returns must be approved prior to shipping the item back. Please contact us at for returns. Many items are shipped directly from our suppliers warehouse and you must contact before returning any purchase. We will issue a Return Authorization Number for you and notify you of where to ship your return back to. All returns are subject to a 20% RESTOCKING Fee.
If you would like to exchange an item we must first return the original item and issue the credit, then you will need to re-purchase a different item in a new transaction.